Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cue the Twilight Zone Theme...

I know I promised a super simple salsa recipe, but you'll have to wait a little bit longer while I tell you this little story.

Back in December - I got new glasses. After spending like 5 minutes staring at frames, I chose a pair that I absolutely loved, and since it was buy one, get one free- I choose another pair that while I didn't exactly love, were still very nice.

In January, The first pair disappeared. At first, I thought I had left them at my folks place but after searching I decided that they weren't there. Then I thought they had gotten behind my bed, but again, they weren't there. So I was sad. Very sad. First pair of glasses I really loved, and they went missing. So, I started wearing the other pair. But only at night and on weekends because they were nice, but not comfortable in public nice...

so comes February, and March, and half-hearted attempts at finding my lost pair of beloved new glasses until today... when they appeared, magically, on my bed, next to the pillow, as if they never left and have always been there.

They weren't there last week. Or the week before that. They weren't hiding in my pillow, or the comforter, or between the sheets. I've washed my linen at least 15 times since January - stripping down my bed to the mattress. I'm pretty sure they weren't there this afternoon when I changed out of my work clothes. So the question is: Where were they, and why did they suddenly appear?



Blogger emily said...

holy crap, i'd be a little freaked out. glasses-theiving stalker perhaps?

11:33 AM  
Blogger Carrie said...

It was very creepy! My first thought was that the scary guy who hit on me a few weeks ago was stalking me, and then I though evil poltergeists were haunting me in my sleep, and then, after finding a toy car tire - for my micro remote control car - that my cat likes to pickup and run with in bed this morning, I'm thinking its the cats. I sleep better that way. :)

6:20 PM  

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