Square Eggs, and the Amazon

Do ever have one of those couple of weeks where you start finding a whole bunch of references to a place or item?
In the last two weeks, I have seen two references to a Square Egg Maker. One was in a book called the Dogs of Babel and the other one was in a book about how to get rid of junk that I checked out from the library. I have never even heard of a square egg maker. What are the chances of that? Is this a sign from above? Anyway, in my curiosity, and in search of the square egg maker message, I did a search in Yahoo!. Nothing. Nada. I was slightly disappointed. So I tried the place that has everything, eBay, and came up with one lonely hit. But, that one lonely hit was more than enough to educate my brain about the wonders of a square egg maker. Here's what I found: It was a 1960's kitchen item made out of high quality, amber colored plastic, and it was made in Japan. and here's something else, I want it! For those of you looking to buy me a gift, here's the auction link.
Now about the place, I've been seeing all sorts of references to the Amazon river. It started with a Discover Channel special about the undiscovered fish in the Amazon. Then it was a book about a lost tribe in the Amazon. And then, a National Geographic about Amazon tribes. And if you go back to right before Christmas, I had a conversation with a friend about Amazon Women. Hmm. Could it possible be another sign? Am I suppose to go to the Amazon River and live with strange native folk? Hmm Probably not. But, I will still be on the lookout for any Square Egg Makers, or mysterious Amazon references.
I've had those times when a particular thing will pop up a lot, and then you can't stop thinking about them. I can't think of any examples, but it happens.
The square egg maker - definitely strange. Completely pointless, but cool.
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