Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Downing Street Memo and the Iraqi War.

The Downing Street Memo was a memo presented during a meeting of Tony Blair, and his top foreign intelligence and policy aides written in 2002. When it was first leaked to the public, it created discussion in Europe, but was virtually ignored in the United States. It has started to get fresh attention, and American Media has been criticized for not reporting on it.

What this memo basically says, is that President Bush was selectively choosing evidence in support of a war. It was written by the English intelligence agency. President Bush says that he wasn't fixing evidence, and it doesn't matter anyway, because it was written before he went to the security council for a resolution that Saddam Hussein give up his weapons (which still haven't made an appearance). It seems to me that gathering evidence for or against is a war, usually happens before the war, so of course this matters! This selected evidence was used to support putting people's lives at risk, both American, and others. How can anybody be so reckless?


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