Friday, July 08, 2005

This article makes me wonder about people....

"One year ago, Deuel weighed 1,072 pounds. He was so enormous that his bedroom wall had to be cut out to extract him from his home. Then, he was rushed to a South Dakota hospital in an ambulance with extra-wide doors and a ramp-and-winch system that had to be dispatched from Denver."

This is a story of an man who weighed half a ton!

He blames genetics: "“I’m absolutely convinced the basic, overlying cause for morbid obesity is genetic,” Harris says. “There’s some nature, some nurture. But it’s like wanting to have blue eyes and having brown eyes. You can’t fight it. We desire food more, we get hungry quicker. ... Every gene in your body says, ’Feed me now.’ “

my response: recent studies show that how a body uses food depends a lot on the food it was exposed to in the womb. The fetus tries to predict what type of food will be available to what it recieves. So, if a fetus gets a lot 0f carbohydrates, it creates more carbohydrate storing mechanisms than for protein. Yes, theres a genetic component. But teach a kid to eat properly goes a lot farther than genetics.

Now this is what his favorite food are :

"Deuel was a fast-food junkie hooked on pizza, chips, beef jerky and chili dogs. He also gobbled down cherry blintzes and ambrosia (a creamy fruit, marshmallow and coconut concoction). Even now, his face brightens when he mentions his favorite foods."

Now I understand that there might be a genetic component, but for a man to weigh half a ton?? You really have to work at it.

The worst part of this is that he blame the system:

Obese people suffer because the health care system and insurance companies don’t do enough to help them.

There wasn't an obesity problem fifty years ago. The reason there is a problem now is society. People do not want to take the responsibility for eating properly, and with moderation. Also the lack of exercise is a big factor. The reason this guy is obese is because he ate to much and didn't walk enough. Simple as that. He has no one to blame but himself.


Blogger Carrie said...

yummy subway..... sounds yummy. I think Ill make a grilled cheese sandwhich!

5:01 PM  

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