Lessons In Felting. This is a pre-felted cat bed made with found yarn at the Salvation Army. It knitted up really quickly, and the stripes actually look good.

This is the cat bed after felting. I put it in the washing machine twice, and now I got a nice warm cat bed that will hopefully be used by cats. I still have intentions of giving this one to the Winona Humane Society for their annual silent auction. The colors in the photo really don't do it justice. I do have enough yarn for another one, but I will do it a bit differently. The brown yarn kind of overtook the color, so I will do two rounds of one color, and than two rounds of the brown. It should give me a wider stripe that is brighter.

This is part of my baby shower present for Emily. I knitted it all by myself using yarn that I
hand dyed earlier this year. I feel a little bad about giving her something 100% wool that needs to be handwashed, but a hat and mittens should stay clean enough that they will never need to be washed. I really like making baby stuff. Its easy to knit up, and it only takes a few hours to make something like a hat and mittens.

After dropping the kitten off at the vet on Monday to be fixed, I get a call saying that my cat is actually a female. Huh. Who Knew? Okay everyone- You can now laugh hysterically. In my defense, I really do know the difference between boy cats, and girl cats, but seeing as how I really can't get close, and that she has patches of different colored fur right where testicles are normally found- You can understand my confusion.

It turns out that Al is 100% Healthy. No FIV, No Earmites, No Fleas. I have no idea how I managed to be so lucky. I'm still a little worried about worms, but at this stage of things, what one cat has, the other cat has, and worms are easy to cure. Al came through surgery wonderfully, besides the sudden change in sex. I really haven't decided on a name for her yet, although in this blog, I'm calling her "Al", at the Vet's office, she is known as "Lucky", and when I talk to her, I call her "Kitten". I kind of like Grendel, but I am also favoring Gina, Gracie, and Alice. Poor Kitten. She's going to have some sort of personality disorder by the time I settle on a name.
How about Alisha?
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