Saturday, July 23, 2005

Chick Flick, A quick review of "How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days"

I borrowed "How to lose a Guy in Ten Days" from the Faribault Library, on the basis that since I didn't spend any money, it can't be that bad. It was okay, except for most of the middle scenes I skipped because I really hate watching people screw up a beautiful relationship by acting so stupid, even though I know all will be okay. This was the point of the movie, but still. The end was okay though.

In honor of this movie, I'm going to explain the basic plot of chic flicks, and give you a few scenarios of how the plot functions. Basically, its a girl, alone in the world, meets a boy, some humorous romance occurs, and boy and girl finally get together with a large hug, and kiss, and some romantic background music.

Here's how it works. Pick A, B or C and sometimes D, for instant Chick Flick Plot- you will have to fill in the filler details.

A. Girl is worldly, works at a cool place, like a magazine company. Isn't currently looking for love, or isn't worried about not finding it. -How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days

B. Girl is kind of dorky, Really really wants to find a man. Kind of a screw up -Bridget Jones Diary, Miss Congeniality

C. From a guys point of view. This is usually not the norm -Nottinghill, Fifty First Dates

A. Girl and boy don't like each other, work hard to piss each other off or avoid each other. -Bridget Jones Diary, Sleepless in Seattle

B. The Relationship works wonderfully, but it is one based of of lies. -My Best Friend's Wedding, Fifty First Dates.

C. There are circumstances that prevent the couple from getting together, such as a big gap in money, or living in different cities, etc etc. -Nottinghill.

D. The Boy and the girl become best friends, and do everything together, but don't realize they are the perfect match for each other. -When Harry Met Sally

A. A chase to the airport occurs, or press conference, or boat, or whatever occurs. If the man doesn't arrive at destination in time, the Love of his life leaves forever. -Sleepless in Seattle, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Nottinghill.

B. One person in the couple has to leave, but doesn't get on the plane because Love is more important. There's usually a screen shot of the left behind person looking sad, and staring out the window. The person who didn't leave on the plane, shows up, and all is well. -Bridget Jones Diary

C. There's some sort of proposal or marriage - When Harry Met Sally

Have Fun with the Instant Chick Flick Plot Maker!!!


Blogger Carrie said...

Dear Nathan, Im going to have to ask you to refrain from commenting on my site because so far, all your comments have been mean and derogatory towards what I have to say. Now I don't mind disagreement, but your comments add nothing, and make you seem like an ASS.


4:49 PM  

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