Squash and Garage Sales
Today, I went to the Library, and then to the bakery, and then to Farmers Market, where I found Ground Cherries! Yum. I also bought a zucchini, yellow summer squash, acorn squash, butternut. I also got some garlic, and some peppers. I really wanted some red and yellow bell peppers, but I don't think they are in season yet. I also got some homemade salsa.
I was walking on the sidewalk, on the way to the bakery, and this geeky looking kid in glasses passed me while biking. He was about 14. He was wearing a button up short sleeve shirt, with a pair of Kahkis. Now, my first thought was that it was some poor nerdy kid, but then, another kid, rolled by on his bike. He was dressed liked the first kid, he looked like the first kid, and he was riding the exact same bike, except he wasn't wearing glasses. This was a Twilight Zone Moment, and I wasn't sure if I should run, or pretend I didn't see it. I continued walking. I go past a parking lot, and their they were, following an old guy (well, they could have just turned around, and decided to go back, and the guy happened to be in front of them but.....), it looked pretty menacing. I didn't see the duo after that. Im assuming that the old guy survived the encounter.
On the way back from my walk to the Farmers Market, I found this at a garage sale!

Its a Blue Elephant!
Isn't it cool? well, at least its interesting looking. I paid one dollar for it, and the lady I bought it from said she got it when she was in Japan, at a international bazaar. I absolutely love it!
With Love, Carrie
The Faribault Farmers market is pretty sad... not too many people, and mostly people with cucumbers. I only found one or two people who were selling green peppers, although I did get a little one off of that pepper plant you gave me. It was yummy!
The elephant is blue
um... yes, yes it is. Its more of of a teal than anything...
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