Thursday, July 06, 2006

Newsworthy Thursday

Guess What! I got on MPR! said in a sing- songy annoying type voice. Go Me! It was only a question submitted by internet, but it was good enough to be on Midday with Gary Eichten! Go Me Again! It made my morning.

For those of you who are interested in hearing the MN Education Commissioner, Alice Seagren speak about her recent trip to China, and what my question was: Go here. My question can be found a little after the 34 Min and 40 seconds mark, for those who don't want to listen to the whole interview. There's not much to it, but they mentioned my name, so it most definitely counts!

Other news worthy topics includes someone actually buying my Sega for 30 bucks using the "Buy it Now" option on eBay. I was expecting, 10, maybe 15 dollars for it after the end of the auction, especially since I indicated that parts of the Sega was untested, and that it is sold as is. I feel like I kind of cheated the person who bought it, but I did warn it was untested, and he could have asked all the questions he wanted. To see my auction, or what is left of it, go here.

What else, I have strawberries! I have tomatoes, although those aren't red yet. I have Salad! It's really a wonderful day!


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