Kitten, Thy Name is Grendel Marie!
I finally named the kitten, in the way I generally do. I just try on a bunch of names until I start using one name, which in this case is Grendel Marie. Why Grendel? Well, because she's a little monster, and Marie because it suits her. She's already incredibly bold for a feral cat. My landlord stopped in yesterday morning, and she took a quick look at the open door, and made a run for it. She also is very demanding in what she wants. This leaves me to believe that when I get her full trust, she will be demanding. She will be whiney, she will be THE queen in her incredibly small domain, and expects to be treated so. She's not especially feminine, and rather clumsy. She's going to be a cat that has one person, and that one person will defend her even as she's clawing up the furniture, and beating up the dog.
What else- we went on our annual staff outing at work. We did the Art Crawl. It's cool- about fifty artists open their studios one weekend a year, and visitors can go from one studio, to another looking at art. We saw about 10 artists, with the best being in Milan. I bought my very first piece of art- a photograph of some sort of Prairie Plant. As soon as I get i

My newest knitting project is Socks! for my friend. I promised her a pair in July, and am now finally getting around to knitting them. The biggest problem with socks, is that once one is made, its hard to get started on the second. Fortunatley, the pattern I am using is easy, and I am using a larger needle size.
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