Friday, March 10, 2006

Dubai Deal, and American Mob Mentality

For the first time, I actually agree with the President. It's a little scary actually, there are chills running up and down my spine. What did I agree with him about? The Dubai deal. The company who wants to manage the American ports have a very good track record at managing ports in other places. They manage the ports, not control security. They are also not the ones who decide what goes in or out of the ports, so its not a security risk. End of Story, except that, millions of Americans think it is. All they needed to hear was "Arab" and it sends them screaming to thier elected representitive, who now have to seem in opposition of the deal, and even go so far as to bring in a Bill to stop it.

Now I beleive that the president is right. By making such a stink about it, it gives the impression that America is bigoted, and in this case it is right. So, a few terrorists came from the United Arab Emirates, but what about the terroist from the United States, or the one from Great Britain? A few bad people do not make a country bad. I think that this Dubai Port Authority thing is going to make matters worst. Where, before we could say, its not Moslim countries we hate, its the terroists that come from them, and see, we allow companies from your country to run our ports, just like we allowed a British company to do so, now we have shown to the Arab world that yes, America really does hate Moslims, and will do anything to get rid of them.

Anyway, thats my rantings for the night.


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