Monday, April 03, 2006

Here Comes The Sun, with Bald Eagle Count

I saw my first spring weather today!

In honor of the sun, All People Reading this blog will spontaneously erupt in the song "Oh Mr. Sun", with fun hand actions. For those you of who don't know Mr. Sun- The lyrics go something like this-

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Come out Mr. Sun, Come Shine Down on Me.

I don't remember the rest, so I find myself singing the one line over and over and over again.

Also, for my newly instated Bald Eagle Count - its up to three.

Bald Eagle number one- Spotted on my way to work sitting on a Dead Tree.

Bald Eagle number two- Eating something dead in the side of the road- I slowed down, jumped back, than flew away. It was cool.

And Today's Bald Eagle number three- was flying low to the road. I watched it slowly
gain altitude, and then fly away. My guess he was eating something dead on the side of the road, and was using the warm road thermals to get aloft.


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