Okay, you all wanted it, and while not one of the 3.5 people who read this blog requested it - I decided to post some pictures (well, I suppose getting a new USB cord for my digital camera had something to do with it)- So, now you get a rather large number of photos, with lengthy explanations, and I expect you all to read carefully, and with great intent.

This is my very first sock. It actually turned out. I spent all day yesterday, and finished it this afternoon. It's doll sized, or rather small baby sized, but it works.
There are a number of mistakes, due to the fact that I am still not that good at knitting (but I'm learning), like for the fact the heel seems to have been all purled rather than knitted. But that's okay. It just makes it vaguely boot like.
Now I think that this sock is not quite good enough for spending time to make a mate, so I think I'm going to stuff it with catnip and scrap material, and give it the cats.

Speaking of cats, this is Oliver. This is the first time that I actually posted his picture on my blog. He's a very photogenic cat, and if you get to see him in profile, he has circular stripes that looks very much like a bullseye. My most current vet called him a "Classic Tabby". Now, last weekend, Oliver got out. Well, maybe its better to say that I thought he wanted out, put him on a harness, he panicked- poof, cat was gone.
After a few hours of searching, of waiting for dusk to fall, than searching for him again, I finally got him back. I am so lucky- after a close inspection, it turned out his claws were shredded and bloody, along with the front part of his paws being scraped deeply. I took him to the vet the next morning, and she said that the claws were the worst she has seen in awhile, and that the wounds were consistent with him being hit by a car. He was sore for a few days, and after that, he was back to his old self. I am so lucky to have this cat back, let alone one with such minor injuries.

This is Bentley. He's my other cat. He is not photogenic, so I don't very often get good pictures of him. His white coat reflects all attempts at flash, so most times I only get a white blur with glowing eyes. Bentley is my wild kitty. I adopted him to keep Oliver company, so I chose one of the more unadoptable kitties at the
Winona Humane Society. I've had him for about two years now, and he has really come out of his shell. The first two months I didn't see him, except for a white blur trying to find a hiding spot. Now, he's an outgoing cat (if you know him) who will jump on your lap, willing to make his opinion known if the lap is all taken, or the food bowl is not to his liking, or if he's bored. He's really cuddly, more so than Oliver, while Ollie thinks it's his right to sit on a lap, Bentley acts like it's a privalidge, to be taken away at any time. I think most people who knew him at the Humane Society will be surprised to see how he bloomed.

I love this picture! Its so utterly cat like, and not just because there's a cat in it. This is the cat igloo my mom made me a while back, and Bentley spends a lot of time sleeping in it. When the cat igloo was sitting in the sun, Ollie used to sleep on top of it, squishing the top, sometimes with Bentley inside!
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