Saturday, August 26, 2006

Long awaited update

Theres this song- Its about this guy who wants to get rid of his cat, and he drop it off a mile away, and sends it to space on a rocket, and drops it in the nearest ocean, and it always comes back. Well, unfortunately, the cat only comes back when it is unwanted. My Ollie cat got out through a faulty screen begining of Augest, in the worst part of the heat wave. He hasn't come back. I really wanted to wait until I got him back to post again, and well, its been a month. I haven't lost faith that he will appear, I understand that its a long shot.

In other news, in my search for Oliver, I found a kitten. Not just any kitten, but a hissing, demanding, don't come near me kitten with extra toes. He is now officially called Lucky Al. Lucky because he's still here, and Al, well because when I first caught him, I dubbed him Alfonso. I've had Al for about three weeks now, and while said kitten has now discovered toys, good food, and human feet, I still get hissed at, but in a "stay away, this is mine" sort of way rather than go away, you are scary. Lucky Al is a regular striped gray tabby cat, that looks like every other striped gray tabby cat, except this one has extra toes, with extra claws. Bentley isn't so sure about this. The kitten doesn't leave him alone- Its cute, except Bentley looks so bewildered that I feel sorry for him. They play, they sleep next to each other, so, its coming

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Firefly Season

As I was driving at the eleven hour,
it being the dark of night

Twenty miles behind me,
Twenty miles in front of me, only

The stars in the sky and the
hum of the motor in my car

My only company

The ditches along the road sparkled and flittered
with pinpoint lights

Following random Brownian Motion

Only seen through the
corners of my eyes-

But when viewed through the rearview mirror,
thousands, no millions of
tiny faery lights-

As first described in poetry
of old