Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sitting Pretty

This is what my sister woke up to yesterday morning. It must have been a little awkward- walking in on a private conference of the kitties like this. I wonder if the sister backed out slowly, closing the door behind her, feeling just a little bit embarrassed.

Just looking at the orange one, you know he is the ringleader. His name is Trouble. The gray one (named Musky) is a little aloof, she was probably just egging him on to do some sort of nefarious activity.

To get your very own fluffy toilet warmer, check out the cat's previous home, the Tri-County Humane Society in St. Cloud.

As we end National Breast Awarness Month-

I would like to give a few numbers:

Leading Causes of Death in Women

1) Heart Disease- 489,000 Deaths!

2) Cancer
  • Lung Cancer - 73,000 Deaths
  • Breast Cancer - 40,000 Deaths
  • Colorectal Cancer - 28,000 Deaths
3) Stroke

So there you have it- Please don't just think pink.

*source: MayoClinic.Com - Women's top health threats: A surprising list

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What not to Knit, or the Worlds most pissed Kitty.

For other messed up Knits, Click HERE

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Happy Days

Welcome to the world, Ivy May Pearce!,
brand new baby daugher of Emily and Jer!

and Happy 25th Birthday to the Sister.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Warm Cookies- Yum!

There's nothing better than warm cookies- All gooey, still warm from the oven- with a tall glass of milk- Of course, I'm too lazy to actually make them from scratch, but the refridgerated dough tastes really good, and besides all the extra preservatives, its basically the same, that and for $3.00- I get only 12 cookies that will be eaten rather than 3 dozen cookies that will just sit there. Mmm Warm Cookies. There's nothing better!

On other news, besides cookies, Its been a busy week. It was the GIS/LIS conference on Thursday, and Friday. It was good- I didn't realize how isolated I am where I work- but hanging out with other GIS nerds, and attending various presentations, I now have some ideas for the future, such as Hazard Planning, and tasty IMS goodness. It was like a St. Mary's GIS class reunion I saw lots of people I knew- I even attempted to get free updated GPS Unit software from the Pioneer Precision guys at a bar later that night- I even offered to buy them a beer- but no go. So sad. I also didn't win anything from the free vendor drawing at the end of the day- which also made me sad, but that's okay, there's always next year. :-)

On the knitting front- I finished Tamberlaine's Socks, and since I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this blog, I'll even post a picture. I spent a lot of effort at matching the pattern, and it went so well, until I ran into a problem, a knot to be exact. It seems that the manufacturer ran out of the skein of yarn, and then just tied on a random color, out of place with the old skein. Grr. I didn't have enough yarn to match the long pattern repeat, so, the toes are different. They turned out really well. I hope my friend likes them. I know that I'm going to have a hard time sending them off to her tomorrow.

And to end this post, I'm giving you a picture of Grendel Marie. She's about 7 pounds now, and is becoming much more trusting of me. She will let me pet her, and even come to me for a scratch behind the ears. This morning, I must have been jumped over, and on top of me in bed about 10 times while playing with Bentley. Its amazing the amount of energy she has. I'm guessing they started chasing each other around 6ish, and I got up around 8:00, played with her until 9:00 and she did not stop moving in all that time. Its really quite amazing.