So You Want To Be a Wizard - By Diane Duane

It starts off with 13 year old Nita running away from a pack of bullies intent on beating her to a pulp. She runs into the library to hide and finds a book titles So You Want to Be a Wizard. She checks it out on a whim, and takes her first step into wizardry. Along the way, she meets Kit, another lonely kid with a book teaching him magic. Together, they find that they can do magic that they can't do alone. In search of a missing NASA pen that writes upside down, they summon a white hole who's curious about planets. Together, Fred, Kit, and Nina trek into an alternate planet where the great destroyer is intent on destroying the universe. Its up to them to find the Book of Night With Moon, and thwart the Destroyer.
I think I've been reading too many of these types of books. Its well written, aimed at kids, with a very distinct Good vs Bad Message. As typical with books like this, the parent figures are mostly out of the picture, and the kids have to figure everything out themselves. I think my biggest concern with the book is how easy Magic came to them, It took just a few days for them to be magic beginners to be fully fledged magicians. Also, there was no guidance from other older, experienced wizards. Everything they did came from a book. The ending also seemed a bit rushed, not the way the world was saved, but in the wrap up at the end.
So to wrap it up, its a well written book, and would be a good book to give to a young Harry Potter Fan who has read it all, or as introduction to the world of fantasy. I think adults will appreciate it, but not necessarily find it that great. I will not read this again, or any of the other books in the series, but I plan on giving it to my niece when she is older and will appreciate a good fantasy.

And Roomba's Rock! My folks gave me one for my birthday last week, and it is so awesome! I

As soon as I get my camera back I will give you pics. In the meantime, here are some scanned pics of me (Because Its my birthday, as a kid!) Enjoy! Carrie
Labels: Birthday, Book Review, Roomba