After a week and a half of not having any cable or clear reception, it finally got installed today. The cable person was a nice guy who talked like my deceased uncle. He even changed one of my cable wires for something better, although I couldn't say how. He also thought it was pretty nice that I had everything mostly set up... I believe that by setting up things before the cable guy gets here, the faster he will leave.
So now, I can watch the last few days of the Olympics, watch Lost without any fuzzy lines, and not have to spend my time with watching the PBS station at of Alexandria.
On other news, today is my first day off from work. Pretty great isn't it, Ive already been paid for three days of work, will get my first real check in a week, and I have a Presidents day off. Although I'm going to the commission meeting, and aging presentation tonight.
I'm not sure how I like the job yet, its pretty overwhelming, and the guy before me didn't leave any notes on projects needed to be completed, where the most updated data for the different counties are, and I'm expected to bring in something like 36,000 dollars of money within the next six months. Fun (this is sarcasm.) Its really not that bad. It just makes me a little nervous that I will fall below expectation.
Just a little information on where I work, its a non-profit public organization that helps the five county area (Lac Qui Parle, Swift, Big Stone, Yellow Medicine, and Chippewa) with economical development. Basically, we are a consulting organization that is in existence to help the different counties do things they can't do individually. They pay us to do stuff for them, so we need the contracts to bring in money so the staff gets paid. It is non-profit, so we are not in it to make money.
Anyway, I'm off to start some sort of account at a local bank that will give me a ATM card, find a few garbage cans at the local dollar store, and attempt shopping at the local Country Market for milk.
P.S. - Lost last Wednesday was good. It will even be better this Wednesday when I can see things clearly...