Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Game Is On!

UMD Womens Hockey does it again advancing to the Finals by beating Boston College by one with a final score of: UMD 4, Boston College 3!

Onto NCAA Finals- against the Wisconsin Badgers! Today, at 12:00, if you can find it somewhere- go watch!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Vote for the Worst- Good - Bad - or - just plain Ugly?

I found this site last year, it was great. I enjoyed reading about how they tried to get people to vote the worst American Idol, and how the site rallied around the ever changing cast of really bad Idol Contestants trying to make it big- just to try to get Simon Cowell fired, American Idol kicked off TV. I thought it was absolutely hilarious... and then I started watching this year, and well, just doesn't seem so funny anymore, not with Sanjaya Malakar The poor kid. He's is so awful, I cringe every time he walks on the stage - does he not know that people are laughing at him - that he will be forever be known as the worst American Idol Ever? Is the tween crowd really have that much influence? Does he know that Howard Stern is even encouraging people to vote for him because he's so horrible? Please oh Please Make it stop.

In other news, DialIdol has Melinda Doolittle, Lakisha Jones, and Sanjaya as safe- everyone else has an equal chance of leaving American Idol.

I just want to add, that I totally forgot until Emily mentioned it in her blog. I really did find it last year- and it really was one of the funniest websites I've been to.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

free - Free - FREE! Music For You!*

I recently went through my CD collection, and found a whole bunch of CD's that I really don't want, so I'm given them away! Please don't judge me by my CD collection (remember, these are just the ones I don't want anymore) - or the fact that the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack is there. I'm slightly embarrassed that I have it. I'm even more embarrassed that I used to listen to that CD over and over again, and that I am admitting it in such a public place. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now and get to the CD's

CD's Listed below are Free to You!!* Please call - email - comment - passenger pigeon- your CD picks before they are all gone, or until I sell them to a used CD store or until I light them on fire and frisbee them across the parking lot in a cheap attempt at fireworks.

CDs that are up for grabs!
1) Soundtrack to Disney's Pocahontas
2) Soundtrack to City of Angels
3) The Wallflowers - Bringing Down the Horse
4) Loreena McKennitt - The Book of Secrets
5) The Simpson's - Songs in the Key of Springfield
6) Forest for the Trees - Self Titled
7) The Offspring - Americana
8) The Offspring - Ixnay on the Hombre
9) Romeo & Juliet - the Musical from William Shakespeare - Selections (Some free disk I got at the state fair awhile ago)
10) Sountrack to Disney's Beauty and the Beast
11) The Y2K Album by PC World - Classical Doomsday Selections bringing in the Year 2000
12) Soundtrack to Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace (includes fold out poster!)
13) 100 All Time Favorite Classics - 3 disks- 3 hours of classical music
14) Soundtrack to Disney's "The Lion King"
15) Soundtrack to Moulin Rouge
16) Classic Disney Volume 1
17) Classical Music for People who Hate Classical Music, and
18) More Classical Music for People Who Hate Classical Music
19) Creed - My Own Prison

*Disclaimer, and Other Information indicative of the asterisk (*)
*Free CD offer only valid for those people who actually know me- in person, like, say a friend, or relative, or or or trusted professional, or even a bitter enemy.

** seeing as how these CD's are free, and that I haven't listened to any of these in years, I will hear of no complaints about quality, condition, or generally dustiness of said CD.

*** and because I'm a nice person, I'll even ship CD's to you- for free, because everyone loves getting packages in their mailbox.
