This is so cool!
Remember those photomosaic posters featuring Mickey Mouse or Einstein that are made up of a lot of small pictures of Mickey Mouse or Einstein?
Well, You can now do it at home!
I was playing around on and came across a feature that would let you see every book cover in your library. It then pointed you to a nifty little freeware program that would allow you to take a whole bunch of pictures and photomosaic them to your favorite photograph!
So I downloaded the program, saved the webpage with all those covers (and nicely putting all those covers into a folder) and then I created a few mosiacs.
Heres the results:

Very Cool! I only had 437 book covers to use, and used a large book cover size, but you can change the settings to work with your image collection, Of course, the smaller size per pictures, and the more restrictions you place on the program, the longer it takes to process the pictures, but you get a much nicer photomosaic. When I photomosaiced the picture of Ollie I used a smaller image size. The pictures of Bentley and Grendel was the default settings. But, even at a lower resolution, the pictures look remarkable like the original, especially the farther away you are.
So onto the details: The program is called AndreaMosaic and can be downloaded HERE. The program is free, but you can give Andrea money, if you want :) It was an easy install, small file size (8 mbs, without the free image collection). The interface is a bit confusing, but I figured it out pretty quickly. All you need to make a photomosaic is a large collection of images, and a favorite photo. Download, and have fun!