I am now officially addicted to World of Warcraft. Thanks to the the $1.00 14-day trial DVD-ROM in the clearance bin at Wal-Mart (the only place to shop in Montevideo, MN that sells toilet paper in 24 packs) bought on impulse. The talkative kid at the check line, whose topic of choice with the lady in front of me was of the death of his great, late uncle and some other esteemed relative, said to me "You know, you're getting this for a Whole Dollar and it use to be a Dollar Ninety-Seven!!". Um.... Thanks for that piece of useful information. Its always a good feeling when a high school kid points out that 1) you are a nerd who wants to play a silly, yet entertaining computer game, and 2) that saving a whole dollar is a great and wonderful experience. This kid is going to grow up to sell used cars, or maybe office supplies.
and in case you are wondering, my character is now a Level 13 human warrior, who knows how to skin animals (Wasting is wrong- even if its digital!)