Saturday, May 27, 2006

Its hot when...

The cat does nothing but move from one spot, to another, spreads out, and then glares at you, as if its your fault that its 85+ degree's out.

On the other hand, the Bentley guy just keeps following the sun through the window, and than completely stretches out, so I'm thinking he loves this weather. Its also quite impressive that a nine pound cat has something like 2o inch spread from top of head, to base of tail.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lost Season Finale is Here!

I just watched the Lost Season Finale, and let me say, I'm not sure if I should be dissapointed or excited--- I guess it would depend on how the next season goes. You see, Michael gets his son Walt back, at the expense of two lives, and giving three of the Losties to the Others. At the end of the episode, you see him in the boat, heading out to freedom. It seems rather obvious that Michaels going to feel guilty, turn around, and Walt and Him are going to turn the tides sometime in the next season, or season after of the Losties vs the Others. Now this is not an unexpected ending,

but It was unexpected to find that Henry Gale is the leader of the Others, not just a flunky as he pretended. Which is cool. The producers couldn't have picked a creepier looking guy to play Henry Gale. Although, for a leader person, he was pretty stupid to get caught in the Crazy French Ladies trap, or maybe he planned.

What I am worried about is the love of Desmond's life- You see, Desmond was the guy pushing the button before the Losties arrived, he ran off once they came, and then came back. It seems all roads lead back to the Island, anyway, their was some fun flashbacks, of which his Love's Dad said Desmond was bad, never see my daughter again, etc etc. Some mysterious woman gives him a boat to sail in a boat race sponsored by his Love's Dad, and then he ends up on the Island. Now when the weird electro magnetic thingy goes crazy, Desmond sacrifices his life to turn the bypass key, and it all explodes. Which was detected by some russian guys playing chess. They call thier boss lady, who just happens to be Desmond's Lady Love. Now, I'm going to be really dissapointed to find out that her whole life revolves around getting Desmond back (which was foreshadowed earlier in the episode), but I'm betting its going to be a hostile takeover, spy mission, whatever, to discover what the Hanso Foundation was up to, and poor Desmond was an unwitting flunky. Either way, it's kind of lame.

One other thing that was rather dissapointing on the part of the writers- Sayid, Jin, and Sun are sailing to find the others on the other side of the island, and they pass this large broken statue on the shore. It was in the greek style, and the feet had only 4 toes (no, they weren't broken)- If the Others turn out to be whats left of the lost civilization of Atlantis or something, and everything there is old technology, I'm going to be angry (but I'll still watch...)

Here's what was revealed tonight- the button really does prevent dissaster, it turned the sky purple, made a loud sound, and then potentially killed Locke and Echo, or something. The Island can't be found by outside means, meaning, if Michael and Walt do get off the island, they can't come back, and no one will believe them. To get off the island, one must sail at exactly 350 degrees on the compass. All in All, it was a good episode

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Internet Is Fixed- Finally!-

It's been awhile since I posted, but now my internet is fixed, so maybe I will post a little bit more. Two weeks ago, I called the Internet people and complained. They didn't find anything wrong with the connection. They reset the modem, and while things were definitely loading faster, I was still timing out. The nice, but ineffectual girl I was talking to said it might have been some software I installed.

So two weeks go by, and since I haven't felt like being online anyway, it really didn't bother me that it didn't work so well. And then, I ordered something through the internet. It timed out on me while sending my credit card information- so back to square one- I didn't call again, I was saving that for later, I just went through and uninstalled every program that I wasn't using. As I went through the list, I found a program called MySQL that I downloaded with hopes of learning more about SQL and installed, and then promptly forgot that it was there. Coincidentally enough, that was when my internet starting timing out. I didn't really put the two together, until I saw it in my program list a couple nights ago. So, I uninstalled it, and just like magic, everything was back to normal.

So the moral of the story is: Just because your internet sucks, doesn't mean it was your Internet provider's fault or that the new people who moved in about the same time the Internet went wacky are pirating your cable connection.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

More Picture Fun

Instead of sleeping or feeding the hungry cats, I've decided to give you another fun photo spectacular picture day. It's something like 10:30, and I need to go to bed. Tomorrow its a fun day of explaining ArcGIS 9.1 to the environmental service assistant person. It will be good, it will get me out of the office. Friday I get to travel to Granite Falls, and Clarkfield, with stops at Madison (MN, not WI) to drop off plans, and figure out what the Hell they were thinking when they allowed some of their legal descriptions for parcels be recorded (I'll be nice, I promise), I also get to play delivery girl, and than talk to planning and zoning in Clarkfield to talk about their GIS needs. Fun. Anyway, onto the pictures!

I call this one "Synchronized Bird Watching". I really like the reflections in the window.

This picture is called "Carrie's First Pair of Knitted Socks". I finished them up tonight. They are really quite comfy- and the light doesn't do them justice, or the fact that I don't think I can make it in the world as a foot model. The socks are a little too big, and the knitting, well it needs improvement, but for a first pair, I'm quite happy with them.

This truck has been parked underneath my window for the last four days, and hasn't moved. I don't know if you can see the license plates, but it's one of those tan Minnesota Wildlife Plates, you know the one you have to pay extra for. My thoughts on the matter "How Redneck can You Get?"

Sunday, May 07, 2006

How To Grill- Carrie Style

Step 0ne- Buy the cheapest grill you can find, in this case, the 15.00 variety at Cub Food.

Step Two- Forget to buy necessary things for grill such as Charcoal, Lighter Fluid, and one of those plastic lighter thingies that are suppose to be used with grilling.

Step Three- Go to Walmart and grocery store the day after to buy grilling ingredients, and self starting charcoal.

Step Four- Assemble cheap grill, put in Wal-Mart brand Self Starting Charcoal, and then attempt to light using matches

Step Five- After half an hour of trying to light self lighting charcoal in heavy wind, shred up newspaper, and put around self starting charcoal, again, use matches to light. Jump up and down because paper trick seemed to work.

Step Six- Check grill. Realize it is not burning. Go to Walmart to buy plastic lighter thingy. Come back, move grill to non-windy side of apartment building, figure out the child lock on lighter thingy, and then attempt to start self starting charcoal, with slightly charred paper.

Step Seven- Go to nearest hardware store to get lighter fluid.

Step Eight- Watch gigantic flames shoot out of grill, with self starting charcoal, and slightly charred paper. Dance around in delight at your genius for buying lighter fluid. Put top on grill.

Step Nine- Check the grill, realize that when you put the top on, it put out the flame. Re-Add lighter fluid, and then watch grill until flames go away.

Step Ten- Call the technical support line for internet, because internet is not working.

Step Eleven- Check grill- still burning

Step Ttwelve- Start cutting up ingrediants for shrimp skewers- frozen shrimp, thawed, red and green pepper, mushrooms, and summer squash. Yum- skewer, dash salt, minced garlic, and Mrs. Pepper southwest chipotle seasonings. Yum!

Step Thirteen- Put skewers on grill. Wait. Knit the heel of your most current sock. Check skewers. Only slightly warm. Knit more of the heel on most current sock. Check again- Flip Skewers, wonder why they are not hot, only warm.

Step Fourteen- Knit more rows. Check skewers, find a way to move them closer to charcoal.

Step Fifteen- Get pissed that after three hours of work, you have only warm shrimp skewers, that you can no longer wait. Bring them in, consider microwaving, but decide to eat. Realize you have a winning recipe if only they were hot, and consider the day a success.