Tomatoes, Tomatoes, and More Tomatoes

A small place of not much importance, where I write about things I have done, and things I have noticed.
Here I thought that nobody loved me, and then, thanks to a question in an email, I realized that I had the "Moderate Comments" box checked in my account. When I originally turned on the word verification thingy, It either checked all the options as default, or I just went down and checked them all. So, I went into my account, and there they were, something like 15 comments, ready to be moderated. I didn't even know the screen existed. Well, I okayed all of them, and unchecked the previously checked box, and now, you should all be able to comment to your hearts content.
On Thursday, a big storm rolled through the area, and than continued easterly covering parts of Minnesota with much needed rain (although we still need much much more). Besides giving my car a wash, it watered the grass, and gave some nice lightening shows. The wind it produced also tipped my large tomato plant onto its side, along with knocking down all sorts of branches. No harm was done, and the lawn is starting to turn green again, and the fields of corn, beans, and alfalfa I pass everyday to and from work don't have such a beleagered, sad look to them.
This is my 101st Post. It was suppose to be on the 4th of July, but alas, my internet connection timed out just as I hit "Publish" and I lost it. I really think I need a new cable TV provider.
Guess What! I got on MPR! said in a sing- songy annoying type voice. Go Me! It was only a question submitted by internet, but it was good enough to be on Midday with Gary Eichten! Go Me Again! It made my morning.