This is my 101st Post. It was suppose to be on the 4th of July, but alas, my internet connection timed out just as I hit "Publish" and I lost it. I really think I need a new cable TV provider.
Anyway, in celebration of my 101st post, I give you pictures of the 2nd, and 3rd strawberries from my strawberry plant, green tomatoes, and a picture of my dinner from Monday.
I made grilled chicken, and had a salad that I grew from seeds in a wide pot. It's a beautiful arrangement, and I really like the way the colors complement each other. Also, the chicken was good, the salad was good, and bread was some organic bread I bought from the grocery store. It smelled just like bread you bake at home. I also added some sun dried tomatoes to add a nice intense tomato flavor to my salad. Yum!
These are the second and third strawberry from my strawberry plant. I had already eaten the first and second berries on Friday. Eating homegrown strawberries right off the plant is so much better than those incredibly large strawberries you can get at the grocery store, that have been sitting in containers for weeks, and have too much pesticides on them. Unfortunately, for me to get any amount of strawberries for things like strawberry pies, I would need a lot more strawberry plants.
This is my tomato plant. As you can see, my tomatoes are large, although still green. I think they are close to being the right size (of about an inch, inch and a half), but they don't seem to be turning red yet. I know, I'm just impatient, and that sometimes all the fun is in the anticipation.