Sunday, July 29, 2007

Minor Annoyances

Dear Yahoo! For the last three days, every time I logged on, there was a story about a nice black football player marrying his white cheerleader girlfriend. Apparently, he asked her to marry him on National TV at a football game, and now the couple are getting racial threats. Now, I am nothing but happy for the them, and think that the idiots making racial threats should be taken behind the shed and beaten - But is it really newsworthy enough to belong on the front page of your webpage for three whole days!? Go find some new Quasi News!

Thank You Very Much, Carrie.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Holy Shit! Its Rain!!


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter Finished!

Okay - I bought the book at the book store in Buffalo, MN around 9:30 am. There were plenty of copies left. Wandered around Buffalo, MN with the Mom looking at crazy day deals. I bought: two smallish bowls that will be for the cats for a dollar each, a set of 3 pyrex mixing bowls - you know, the ones from the 70's that are green that has little flowers running along the tops that are so very cute? and lotsa farm market goodies. The question becomes "What to do with all those summer squash?"

Got home around 2:15pm. Put away groceries. Started Reading Harry Potter.

4:30: Got hungry, made guacamole in middle sized very cute pyrex bowl. Fed cats. Checked email. Back to Harry.

7:30: got up. Moved around. Checked email. Went back to Harry Potter

10:15: Finished!

My thoughts? - with Spoilers!!

Well, I was sad their wasn't a longer epilogue. And how Harry and gang always escaped by the seat of their pants got old after the second or third time it happened. All the talk about "a death I didn't want to write" by the author, I was thinking that Harry or Ron, or Hermioine, or Mrs. Weasly would die. But no. A few minor characters and thats it - and I was really annoyed at the crown thing horicrux - the crown thing of Ravenclaw was lost ages ago, but Voldemort used it to make the last of the horicrux because he talked to a ghost?? it fell into place too easily I wasn't really emotionally involved with Harry at the end, But overall, it was satisfactory. I think the biggest problem with this book is that it a book with Rated R content, but was toned down for the PG-13 crowd, and lost its character.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

If I were a Simpson's Character....


Saturday, July 07, 2007

I think I'm hallucinating

Stomach: "I'm hungry"
Me: "but I'm not turning on the oven..."

Stomach: "So, I'm still hungry"
Me: "Well theres chips, and more chips, and cheese, and hotdogs, and microwaveable dinners...".

Stomach: "I don't want that"
Me: "Well, what do you want?"

Stomach: "I don't know"
Me: "Fine. Heres some lemonade. Stop Whining."


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Things a Did Yesterday, by Carrie

Because I know everyone is just jumping up in down in excitement over the lack of posts in the last month, I'll give you a fast list of things I did yesterday, why, because I can.
  1. Went to the farmers market, all two people! I bough spinach, and peas (picked yesterday) - 1 item from each of the two people at the farmers market. Montevideo really needs to promote this thing if its every going to amount to something.
  2. Helped the yarn store lady measure her doll for a new sweater. It makes sense, really! She owns a yarn store, by making a sweater for the doll, it displays yarn, while being easy and fast to knit. I just happened to walk in when I she was figuring out the calculations
  3. Cleaned the bathroom - not just the toilet, but the floors, and bathroom tub, and washed my shower curtain, and my bathroom rug. It was a big day
  4. Made: Pasta with a presto sauce (store bought, not as awe inspiring as it sounds, put together a spinach salad, and I backed biscuits. Garlic cheese biscuits. Yum.
  5. Shelled peas - it took awhile. I ate a bunch of them. People who never get a chance to eat fresh picked/shelled peas are so missing out on one of the best summer food items from the garden.
  6. Brushed and clipped claws of the kitties. They weren't happy(about the claw trim, not the brushing), but it was needed.
  7. Read and finished a book called Shades's Children. Very creepy. Very scary. Highly recommended.
  8. Played some World of Warcraft. I pretty much only play on weekends, for a few hours. and I'm still debating if I still want to give up money for a subscription.
  9. Watched Saturday Night Live. It was okay. Not as good as it was when I was a kid. Oh well.
  10. Bed Time!

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