Thursday, September 29, 2005

My New Favorite Blog

My New Favorite Blog!


Go Check it Out!

Monday, September 26, 2005

The Attack of the Squirrels!

This is my squirrel. I have named him Bob, as in Bob, the Squirrel. He's a little odd, he spent Saturday and Sunday clawing around my window. Every ten minutes or so, he was there. Staring in. I think he is trying to use Squirrel Hypnotic Powers to get me to dump more bird food on the roof, or he just liked watching my powerless cat go crazy with rage. Im kind of sad I didn't get a picture of him actually looking in, but by the time I got a camera, he jumped down. My thinking: he's in the first wave of a massive squirrel army planning to take over the world, starting with Faribault. I think its a good time to move.

My psyco squirrel

Sunday, September 25, 2005

What would I do without Procrastination?

As I sit here, staring at other peoples blogs, Ive decided that there are five categories of people who blog (I like categories, it makes a difficult world so much simpler.... maybe),

Category 1: its the cynical under forty crowd! such as this place or or

I'm thinking mine falls under this category

Category 2: Be one with Christ and all is well (aka, people, religion, and a blog) or or

I had to wade through a lot of category 1 and category 3 blogs to find these.

Category 3: the ones in the foreign language I can't read. I have nothing against them, but when browsing, I'm always a little annoyed when I come across seven or eight in a row. --- Spanish --- Greek (very cool to look at) --- UM, not sure

Category 4: the strange blogs written by animals, without opposable thumbs. - Ollie's Blog - Bentley's Blog - some rats and some cats - and a leopard lizard

the strange thing is, people actually comment....

Category 5: Teenagers who think they know the world, some guy wants out of high school some girls homage to friends just a general blog of a kid in high school

this last category I find rather annoying.

Now, Im thinking most of you aren't going to go to these websites. That's okay. I only read enough to figure out which category they belong on, and yes, you can have Christian cynics, and high school Christians, and pets that are in high school (maybe not) and Im sure that each of the foreign language website I can't read falls into some other category, although, I'm always kind of sad when I see a blog from a girl in Iran, or Israel, or Iraq, written in Arabic. It would be really interesting to see what these people have to say.

My last thought of the day:

I wish they delivered icecream, preferably Ben and Jerry's Brownie something or another.

With Love, Carrie

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

An American in Paris - a Movie Review

I watched an American in Paris last night, and well, its an odd movie. Its a musical, and apparently it was ranked in the top one hundred movies list a few years back. For a movie made in the fifties, I guess it was okay, and probably very well received, but I found it rather dated.

This is the plot. This poor American artist lives in Paris after WW2. He meets a lady from Baltimore, with lots of money. She just wants to get him in bed (or in the musical world, falls in love in minutes), but he has morals and she doesn't get him, but she does sponsor him for an art show and is pretty much moody anytime she spends time with him. In the meantime, he meets this shy French girl. He falls in love in minutes (read wants to sleep with her), and he tricks her to dance with him, tricks her to give up her phone number, and pretty much plays stalker. She eventually falls in love, and now, comes the problem: She is engaged to a much older French guy. Her family was in the resistance during WW2, and the French guy saved her life by hiding her or something like that. She feels obligated to marry him. This information comes out during a night scene, where the American runs off. He immediately hooks up with the rich American Lady, who cancels her evening plans to be with him. After taking her (the Rich American Lady) to this party, he dumps her in like five minutes due to guilt. Asshole. He meets up with the French girl, and her fiancee, they end up on the balcony together, they talk, and she leaves with the balcony. She can't marry the American because she made a promise. Her fiancee, for some strange reason was hiding behind a pillar. He overheard everything. The fiancee and the French girl get into a car and leave. Apparently, in the American Artist's despair, his imagination creates a really weird musical number where he is dancing with the love of his life, it goes on for too long, and doesn't make sense, as he is supposed to be sad, since he didn't get the girl, but the musical number is quite cheerful. I'm thinking this is a metaphor for something, but Im not really sure. In the last five minutes, the car comes back and she comes running out, all smiles, and credits roll.

My thinking, The American was an Asshole, and should have been slapped at the first meeting. The poor French girl agreed to marry a guy she didn't love because she thought she owed him something (this seems incredibly wrong), and the poor French guy, well, he fell in love, and thought all was well, and his girl was cheating on him, well in 1950 musical style. He was pretty much an innocent. This movie was a product of its times, and I give it credit for that, but I found it much dated, and rather annoying. The music was by Gershwin, and it was very good.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Name that Business!

Okay, so Ive decided that I need to get a start on this consulting thing. At least two people have suggested that I do it, and since it was my plan all along, I might as well set it up now, instead of waiting. So, as for a name, does "LeapFrog GIS Consulting" sound good? I think it sounds progressive, and full of action. Plus, I like frogs. I also like turtles, but couldn't come up with any good names with a turtle. Any other suggestions? I plan on trying to get a webpage up this weekend, with the basics of what I can offer. Hopefully, I can aim at getting the small jobs that none of the bigger places want. Im not sure where I'm going to put it, but hopefully I will find a provider with free space, until I can make a little money and actually pay for space.

Love, Carrie

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Squash and Garage Sales

Today, I went to the Library, and then to the bakery, and then to Farmers Market, where I found Ground Cherries! Yum. I also bought a zucchini, yellow summer squash, acorn squash, butternut. I also got some garlic, and some peppers. I really wanted some red and yellow bell peppers, but I don't think they are in season yet. I also got some homemade salsa.

I was walking on the sidewalk, on the way to the bakery, and this geeky looking kid in glasses passed me while biking. He was about 14. He was wearing a button up short sleeve shirt, with a pair of Kahkis. Now, my first thought was that it was some poor nerdy kid, but then, another kid, rolled by on his bike. He was dressed liked the first kid, he looked like the first kid, and he was riding the exact same bike, except he wasn't wearing glasses. This was a Twilight Zone Moment, and I wasn't sure if I should run, or pretend I didn't see it. I continued walking. I go past a parking lot, and their they were, following an old guy (well, they could have just turned around, and decided to go back, and the guy happened to be in front of them but.....), it looked pretty menacing. I didn't see the duo after that. Im assuming that the old guy survived the encounter.

On the way back from my walk to the Farmers Market, I found this at a garage sale!

Its a Blue Elephant!

Isn't it cool? well, at least its interesting looking. I paid one dollar for it, and the lady I bought it from said she got it when she was in Japan, at a international bazaar. I absolutely love it!

With Love, Carrie

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Cereal Day

I don't want to cook dinner, so I will be eating cereal, Golden Grahms, to be exact. It is made with highly processed whole wheat, that has the same nutritional equivolency as the original type made without whole wheat. Yum!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Carrie's Interesting Links of the Day

Well, I still hate where I work. I don't know why I would think differently. I found another perfect job in Minnesota, doing really great Important work, such as doing GIS to figure out the best way to: save the Environment, still have developments, and make sure people are healthy. Unfortunately, the application deadline was the end of August, and my inquiry as to if they were still excepting resumes went unanswered. Alas. It just wasn't meant to be.

On Other News, Ive decided to post links of an interesting nature.

Link Number 1:
The Infinate Cat Project - Its a website of cats looking at cats looking at cats, and its one of the more pointless things I've found on the Internet, but yet, every few days, I find myself going back....

Link Number 2:
An Open Letter to the Kansas Board of Education - Support the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Buy me a Pirates vs Global Warming Mug!

Link Number 3:
The PsychoKitty Speaks Out - I wish my cats were as cool as this cat.

And that's the end of my links list

And along with the Links of the day, here's the quote of the day:

"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them," - Barbara Bush

You can find the whole story by CLICKING HERE.

With Love, Carrie

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Probably not Alabama

My interview went fine, had a great conversation with Alabama folks, but there's one hitch. I HATE Alabama. Im guessing its a love it or hate it kind of place, and well, I hated it. It was basically, red neck country meets crappy corporate America, and the result wasn't pretty.

What I have decided to do, is Im going to set up my nifty internet GIS consulting services website, but first, I have to do more research. I want to focus on small businesses, where the work isn't going to be too complicated, and there's a need for it, but I need to figure out what I can offer them, which Im not sure yet.

Im going to continue job searching, but I realized that I might not want to leave the state. So I'm going to focus my job search in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and maybe Iowa.

Love, Carrie

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Tomorrow Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, I will be in Alabama! Yeah Alabama. Wish me Luck!
