Rantings of the Nonsensical Variety
A small place of not much importance, where I write about things I have done, and things I have noticed.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Job Blues
I really hate my job. It's boring, tedious, and I work with a bunch of people with not very much intelligence. They are mostly nice, but conversation is mostly about kids and grand kids, and I think there's too many children in the world anyway.
I went home yesterday to see my sister. She got married a few weeks back and I wanted to find out how her honeymoon went, and see the pictures from the photographer. Well, we went to the Wright County Fair, which is not as wonderful as I remember it, ate a lot of fair food, and generally sat out in the sun. Some mysterious girl asked my how I was doing, and I had no clue as to who she was. She reminded me of my Jesus Loving Crazy Roommate a few years back, but knowing Jenny, she wouldn't be manning the horticulture building. Very strange. Even my sister didn't know who she was, and she seems to know everyone. Never did find out how her HoneyMoon went, the pictures are nice, but very standard. I managed to get my laundry done, so that was an added bonus.
On another note, there's two swallowtail butterflies flying around my house today. They are very pretty, and I haven't seen any in a very long time. I'm hoping my two cats sleeping on the roof decide not to after butterflies today. I would be sad if the butterflies were to be eaten.
Love Carrie
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Chick Flick, A quick review of "How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days"
I borrowed "How to lose a Guy in Ten Days" from the Faribault Library, on the basis that since I didn't spend any money, it can't be that bad. It was okay, except for most of the middle scenes I skipped because I really hate watching people screw up a beautiful relationship by acting so stupid, even though I know all will be okay. This was the point of the movie, but still. The end was okay though.
In honor of this movie, I'm going to explain the basic plot of chic flicks, and give you a few scenarios of how the plot functions. Basically, its a girl, alone in the world, meets a boy, some humorous romance occurs, and boy and girl finally get together with a large hug, and kiss, and some romantic background music.
Here's how it works. Pick A, B or C and sometimes D, for instant Chick Flick Plot- you will have to fill in the filler details.
A. Girl is worldly, works at a cool place, like a magazine company. Isn't currently looking for love, or isn't worried about not finding it. -How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days
B. Girl is kind of dorky, Really really wants to find a man. Kind of a screw up -Bridget Jones Diary, Miss Congeniality
C. From a guys point of view. This is usually not the norm -Nottinghill, Fifty First Dates
A. Girl and boy don't like each other, work hard to piss each other off or avoid each other. -Bridget Jones Diary, Sleepless in Seattle
B. The Relationship works wonderfully, but it is one based of of lies. -My Best Friend's Wedding, Fifty First Dates.
C. There are circumstances that prevent the couple from getting together, such as a big gap in money, or living in different cities, etc etc. -Nottinghill.
D. The Boy and the girl become best friends, and do everything together, but don't realize they are the perfect match for each other. -When Harry Met Sally
A. A chase to the airport occurs, or press conference, or boat, or whatever occurs. If the man doesn't arrive at destination in time, the Love of his life leaves forever. -Sleepless in Seattle, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Nottinghill.
B. One person in the couple has to leave, but doesn't get on the plane because Love is more important. There's usually a screen shot of the left behind person looking sad, and staring out the window. The person who didn't leave on the plane, shows up, and all is well. -Bridget Jones Diary
C. There's some sort of proposal or marriage - When Harry Met Sally
Have Fun with the Instant Chick Flick Plot Maker!!!
Friday, July 15, 2005
one bitchy sister, one harry potter book
Its 11:00pm there abouts. I am playing on the computer. I am currently having a war about the air conditioner. Its freezing. The air condition is going to do absolutely no good for the rest of the night, as since the sun IS not up, and the house is cool, so it will stay cool for the next evening. My sister is bitchy. So is my Mom. I don't want to be near any of them. Did I mention the sister gets married tomorrow? Waste of money. Anyway, Im going to get the new harry potter book tonight at 11:30. Going with the other maid of honor. It will be fun. I will be away from the bitchy family. Stupid.
With Love, Carrie
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
My New Favorite Website Of Knowledge
Im sleepy. So, I give you a shortened blog devoted to that brand new craze, Wiki's. Wiki is a hawaiin word meaning short, and informal. It is also a web application that allows users to add content, but anyone can edit it or add to it. Its pretty cool. Wikipedia is a internet site devoted to information. ITs basically an online encyclepedia that anyone can add to it, or edit. Very Cool. I learned a lot about Alabama, and its counties that way. I also learned a little bit about Monterey Bay on it too. I believe you can even add yourself, to this knowledge base, so Anyway, Have fun, Enjoy, Change the world.
Monday, July 11, 2005
A got an Interview, repeat, I got an Interview
The Monterey Bay People sent me an email! They want to talk to me. Yeah Me! Yeah California!!. Go check out the place I might be working at, its so cool. ITs got sea otters, and kelp forests, and birds, and bottlenosed dolphins, and migratory humpback whales, and one other type of whales I forget which, and and and.... I want this job!!!!
Wish me luck
Love Carrie
Oh yeah, and check out this National Geographic link. It should be cool!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Fun times at a Bachlerette Party!
As some of you may or may not know, My sister is getting married on Saturday. Its a big thing. Lots of people, Pretty flowers, Wedding Ceremony, she went the whole nine yards with it. So, yesterday, It was the Bachlerette party. I was excited. Going to bars, seeing how many phone numbers I can get from cute men, and watching my sister drink, to the point of falling over, It was going to be fun, and exciting, and, it didn't happen.
The poor girl managed to eat some bad (probably) pizza at a local baseball game the night before and spent the day sick, at both ends. The fiance also had the same symptons at the same time, so unexplained sickness caused by a virus was most likely out.
So, I get a call from her around 10:00am yesterday. Heres a transcription:
Julie: are you coming to Winsted before going to St. Cloud?
Me: No, I was planning on leaving here (Meaning Faribault, where I live) around 5pm, and going straight to St. Cloud.
Julie: Well, Im in Winsted, and I need a ride to St. Cloud. Some people were coming early, and we could go swimming in the pool, and itll all be fun...
Me: Well, as since I really didn't have any plans, and its really hot out, swimming sounds fine! Ill pick you up around 2:00pm.
Julie: Sounds good.
End Conversation.
Now, notice at this point, theres no mention of sickness or anything else. IT seemed like a reasonable suggestion, so I got to Winsted around two, found her sitting in the chair, looking aweful, eating saltine crackers. Needless to say, I was a little annoyed. She was looking for a ride because she didn't quite trust herself to drive herself... It turns out that she was hoping to feel better by 7:30, so as not to dissapoint her friends who were planning on having a good time.... Well, there I was, already commited, so away we went an hour north, with her complaining about the temperature, and me making sure that if we suddenly had to stop at the side of the road, it could be done safely, and quickly.
So we get to St. Cloud without any incidents (which made me very happy) and stopped at the grocery store. Picked up some gingerale, coke, chicken breast, and chips and salsa in a half attempt at getting supplies (the chips and salsa, not the other things) for the troop of people who might be celebrating the bachlerette party by staying in and such. That was fun. I bought lunch from the MS people selling hotdogs outside the store. Julie pushed the cart. I thought about offering to do it, but I think she might have fallen over if I did. I was amused, in a concerned way about Julie passing out.
So we got to the apartment. In an attempt to make her feel better, I fried the chicken with no salt, pepper, or any sort of seasoning. I even cut it up for it. I spent the next few hours bored, watching cable TV and wondering around. She finally called off the part at 5:30 or so. She also seemed to get sicker as the night wore on. Luckily, everybody got called and told it was cancelled.
Now, some of you might be thinking that my night is ruined, but My cousin Emily showed up around 6:3o bringing Dance Dance Revolution game, and equipment (she lives in St. Cloud. I was pleading for her to show up, just so I would have somebody to talk to) My other cousin showed up, and the two friends of Julie who planned the party showed up later. We pretty much played DDR, all night, until Julie fell asleep, Julies Friends went out drinking, and I went to Em's and watched a movie.
So it wasn't a bad night, it just didn't involve any alcohol, and cute men at bars.
Friday, July 08, 2005
This article makes me wonder about people....
"One year ago, Deuel weighed 1,072 pounds. He was so enormous that his bedroom wall had to be cut out to extract him from his home. Then, he was rushed to a South Dakota hospital in an ambulance with extra-wide doors and a ramp-and-winch system that had to be dispatched from Denver."
This is a story of an man who weighed half a ton!
He blames genetics: "“I’m absolutely convinced the basic, overlying cause for morbid obesity is genetic,” Harris says. “There’s some nature, some nurture. But it’s like wanting to have blue eyes and having brown eyes. You can’t fight it. We desire food more, we get hungry quicker. ... Every gene in your body says, ’Feed me now.’ “
my response: recent studies show that how a body uses food depends a lot on the food it was exposed to in the womb. The fetus tries to predict what type of food will be available to what it recieves. So, if a fetus gets a lot 0f carbohydrates, it creates more carbohydrate storing mechanisms than for protein. Yes, theres a genetic component. But teach a kid to eat properly goes a lot farther than genetics.
Now this is what his favorite food are :
"Deuel was a fast-food junkie hooked on pizza, chips, beef jerky and chili dogs. He also gobbled down cherry blintzes and ambrosia (a creamy fruit, marshmallow and coconut concoction). Even now, his face brightens when he mentions his favorite foods."
Now I understand that there might be a genetic component, but for a man to weigh half a ton?? You really have to work at it.
The worst part of this is that he blame the system:
Obese people suffer because the health care system and insurance companies don’t do enough to help them.
There wasn't an obesity problem fifty years ago. The reason there is a problem now is society. People do not want to take the responsibility for eating properly, and with moderation. Also the lack of exercise is a big factor. The reason this guy is obese is because he ate to much and didn't walk enough. Simple as that. He has no one to blame but himself.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Recipe - Mushroom and Onion Omelette
Okay, I know that making an omelette isn't that hard. But I want to tell you about the super yummy Omelette I had for dinner. It was really really good.
cut up mushrooms
chopped onions
crushed garlic
3 eggs
dried rosemary
salt and pepper
Grated Cheese
1) Fry up the mushrooms and onions (I used portabella, and red onion) in a table spoon or two of butter. add a clove or two of garlic, chopped up (or garlic pressed). when cooked through, put the mixture in a bowl.
2) in the meantime whip up the three eggs in another bowl, add salt, pepper and rosemary (crushed) to the eggs.
3) Add egg mixture to the frying pan used to fry up the mushrooms and onions. You shouldn't have to add anymore butter. Fry the egg mixture until its cooked to just about all the way through.
4) add the grated cheese (I used monteray jack) and the mushroom and onion mixture to one half of the top of the fried eggs.
5) Very carefully fold the other half of the egg over the cheese and mushrooms.
6) cook for a little bit longer. Flip. Cook the other side for a little bit, and then move to a plate.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
My July Fourth Weekend
This is my weekend, in list form, starting from when I left, to when I came back, so enjoy, have fun, and laugh at my problems, because I certainly will :-)
1) Left for the parents place on Friday afternoon after work. Took the two cats with me, as I had no one to care for them.
2) Decided busy highway with long delays, and two cats required me to take backroads. so I started to head off in a north westerly direction.
3) 1/3 of the way home, smelt something funny
4) Very soon after number 3), realized the cat had an accident, which was why he was meowing loudly, and incistenly
5) stopped in the wonderful town of Jordan (see, and you thought I would mention getting lost) at a gas station and took care of the stinky cat. Some information about Jordan: The Jordan butcher shop sells the best bologna in the world. When someone From Winsted goes to Jordan to buy Bologna, they buy like ten rings of the stuff for people who have requested it.
6) Got home, cleaned up the other cat who had been drooling pretty much from the start of the trip, got him cleaned up, did a load of laundry. Fun
6)later that night, learned about the game of polish golf, or as it was called by my sister "dingleberries". My soon to be brother-in-law told her that was the name of the game. She believed him.
8)went to bed
9)Saturday, woke up, Ate Breakfast, went to IKEA with the sister from 6). Bought a garlic press. Went to a fabric store. bought some material. went to office max. didn't buy anything. went to Caribou coffee, bought both of us a choclate chiller. It was pretty yummy
10)went home.
11)had dinner. Finished laundry. Yeah Clean clothes!
12)spent an enjoyable evening watching twins game with my dad, and alternately sitting on the deck with a book. Nice night, until mosquitoes showed up.
13)went to bed
14)now it is sunday. Had a nice half egg omelet for breakfast. Julie (the sister) had the other half. Then went to St. Cloud to visit my cousin. Looked at her baby duckies trapped in the window well. wasn't too sure what to do with them, so left them be.
15)went to Brainerd to go Geocaching. Found a nice patch of raspberries, but not the cache.
16)went to next geocache site. Found it in a patch of downed woods. Took a glass turtle, left a praying hand bookmark.
17)went to the next chache. Next to a river. Aparently the cache was IN the river. Got eaten alive by mosquitos, left quickly.
18)last cache to look for. Found another nifty raspberry patch. These raspberry patches made up for not finding the previous two caches. Ate our fill of raspberries, went to look for the cache. Wandered around woods, GPS signal all messed up due to woods, Found a huge tree, found the cache. GPS unit said we were fifty feet from the hiding place. Lots of signal bouncing. Took a dinosoar, left a face bookmark (Em, the cousin person, had a bunch of ugly bookmarks given to her)
19)did a woodtick check. left for St. Cloud. Stopped at the Dairy Queen. Had a raspberry cheescake blizzard. Not as good as strawberry variety.
20)got back to St. Cloud. Felt really sorry for baby ducks in Window well. Decided to save them. Very cute and fuzzy. As soon as they started cheeping, Momma duck flew by, and looked concerned. Got all the ducklings out, but Momma forgot one. So me and Em herded the little duckling to momma, but momma was having none of that. Finally picked little duckling up, and brought it to the other side of the hedge Momma was behind. Little guy went through bushes and got to momma. Yeah! little duckling saved! Until something eats them. :-)
21)went back to winsted. ATe some yummy steak (pasture raised not feedlot) Yummy.
22)Took a shower. Found two woodticks. REad a book. Went to sleep
23)Next day, packed to go home. attempted to put on pants from previous day. Found three more woodticks. Decided a clean pair of pants were in order, and left original pair in dirty laundry pile.
24)collected cats
25)left. Tried to save a turtle, but he was already gone. So sad. Unnecessary death.
26)No smelly accidents.
27)arrived home. the other cat drooled only a little
28)later that night had a perfect view of the fireworks show from my roof. Very nice.
That was my weekend, in 26 fun steps!
Love Carrie