I've just finished the
Blowing My Cover, by Lindsay Moran, and I recommend it. Basically its about a girl who joined the CIA, and of her adventures. I highly recommend it. The last few chapters, I thought was the most important. All through the book, there's an underline theme that the CIA does not work. But then the last chapters happen, which is right after 9-11. Lindsay is feeling guilt about not finding a source to tell her about 9-11. Her friend asks her "Did you guys
Know?" Lindsday responds "No, We Didn't". Nobody in the CIA Knew. Then she actually makes a contact that might give information about terrorists cells. He was a person who ran with a terrorist group, but does not agree with the idea of
Jihad- Lindsday asks for permission to keep contact, and was denied, because he was most likely a terroist in the last five years. Now, does this make sense? Here we are, Americans trying to stop terrorist groups from hurting us. The people who are most likely going to have information about terroist groups are other terrorist. But, we can't have spies talking to these people because its against the rules??!! What the Hell asinine rule is that!!! I'm hoping that this is something that has currently been changed.
Now here's the other point from the last chapters in this book. Lindsay was assigned to the Near East division to help with the invasion of Iraq. She meets other operatives who admit that the CIA has no evidence of weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, or that Iraq posed anything close to an imminent threat to the United States. Another CIA Analyst, when asked about the connection between Al-Qa'ida, and Iraq, shamefacedly replied "They both have the letter q?" and a colleague of hers announced "The president wants us to go to war, and our job is to give him a reason to do it."
This is a true story. Its not made up. You can read the book yourself, and come to your own conclusions, but I believe that creating reasons to have a war, (as opposed to finding) is not ethical and can never be justified. Too many people have died, in a war that's unjustified, and all because Our Oh So Wonderful President (Read with heavy sarcasm), needed to be at war with someone other than the Al-Queda in Afghanistan.
Also, if you do read this book, the first part is mostly fluff- it reads a little like Bridget Jones meets the CIA meets real life, although training at the "Farm"was interesting, but her time in Macedonia, got a little long.